Acca Kappa Sakura Tokyo Body Lotion 300ml
Acca Kappa Sakura Tokyo Body Lotion 300ml. The story of Acca Kappa is the story of the Krüll family. Since 1869, in the heart of the Italian city of Treviso this family has been dedicated to advancing the taste, culture and elegance of this city of fashion. Thanks also to their love and respect for nature and the human body, they have become a leader in European cosmetics.
The Acca Kappa Sakura Tokyo Body Lotion hydrates the skin while providing a calming and invigorating effect. Made from high-quality vegetable oils combined with extracts of honey and chamomile, with great nutritional and soothing benefits, and extracts of caffeine and artichoke, which help maintain the correct level of elasticity of the skin and prevent the skin from sagging. Moisturises and softens the skin without an oily effect.